Today is Adam's 35th birthday. Last year when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said he wanted a baby. What a kick in the gut, huh? Can't exactly pick one of those up at Sears. I was scheduled to go for the bloodwork to see if IVF #2 worked on 2/1, but decided to take a pregnancy test during his birthday dinner. Bold move on my part, huh? I could either singlehandedly ruin his birthday, or give him one very good present. Well, we know how this story ends. Obviously, the test was positive (whew!). Good thing, since I didn't have another gift in the hopper ;)
This year, Adam got an IPOD and a plaster mold of Henry's little (actually not that little) feet. It just goes to prove, your world can change on a dime.
What a wonderful birthday present you & Adam have presented to all of us & the world - Thanks Adam! We get all to share your 34th birthday present - and what a gift he is to all of us!
P.S. Happy 35th
Thanks CJ!
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