Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sleep Deprived, Poorly Dressed, and Now Paranoid?

The first is self explanatory, the second is because none of my pants fit and apparently I only own work clothing. Yes Mother, I am going to go shopping. I promise. Let me explain the third...

The couple that lived in the apartment before us was an older German couple. The lived here for 50+ years. By all accounts, they were perfectly lovely people. I have never asked, but I have a sneaking suspicion that one or both of them died in the apartment (natural causes).

A week or so back, I just felt like I saw a blur pass me in the dining room and felt like little Henry and I were not alone. Spooky I know. I figured if it was a ghost, it would probably be the lady and since she was nice, I consoled myself that at least she would be a friendly ghost. I put it out of my mind.

Then, a few nights ago I was sitting in the living room with Henry around 12:30 helping him wind down from his nightly "Freak-Out." For those of you who have not had the pleasure of experiencing this, it is when your newborn intermitently cries, sleeps, eats every 10 minutes like you are starving them, swats at your face, kicks their little legs, wakes up as soon as you lay them down and demands that you pace the floor to keep them sleeping. This can go on from an hour or it can last as long as a few hours. Fun way to spend an evening, I'll tell you that much! I have taken to hiding in the bathroom when Adam gets home from work. My eyebrows have never looked better. Anyway, back to my tale...

I have a box of Henry's smaller toys that I keep in the living room. A few of them were laying on the floor where we (I) had been playing with them earlier. One of them is a very annoying set of keys that makes various noises when you press the buttons. One of the noises is a chain rattling. I was sitting with him near the window, perfectly still. All of a sudden, the keys start making the chain rattling noise and then shut off. It scared me, but I tried to ignore it. About 2 minutes later, it happened again. I swear the hair on the back of my neck stood up! I was now convinced we had a ghost and that she was watching me in the living room! I hot-footed it to the bedroom and practically hid under the covers. Yes, I remembered to bring Henry with me. He hid under the covers too.

I was so scared that the poor baby didn't get a diaper change at his 2:30am feeding because I didn't want to go back into the living room!


Anonymous said...

Oh Vanessa
We have to save this blog for Henry to read when he grows up, he will love it. Maybe you should write a book or a childrens story.
You are a good writer.

Anonymous said...

Oh Vanessa
We have to save this blog for Henry to read when he grows up, he will love it. Maybe you should write a book or a childrens story.
You are a good writer.

Anonymous said...

CJ agrees - I love to read your stories, they are so entertaining! I had to call your Mom last night after I read your latest posting. Give Henry a kiss from me.