Sunday, September 24, 2006

Whoa...this has never happened before!

There is nothing like a little false labor to get the preparations moving!

I had been feeling a little "funny" all day. I was having alternating periods of being in a very good mood and then experiencing feelings that can only be described as anxiety. Due to the baby's positioning, I have trouble breathing. This of course, makes you anxious, which then makes breathing more difficult.

So anyway, in the early evening, the baby was extremely active. At first, I chalked this up to eating some cake and having a cup of coffee earlier in the day. But, the baby continued to roll and kick and move around much more than usual. All of a sudden, I felt a very clear and distinct movement of the head (downward). Since the baby is head down, I rarely feel anything like this. This struck me as a little strange, but whatever. Then I start to have a contraction or two, which I have had in the past. It usually involves my stomach tightening up for a minute or two and then subsiding when I have a drink of water and sit down for a little bit. So, this wasn't really that abnormal either. But the contractions kept coming, and then were accompanied by some cramping down near my pelvis. When I looked at Adam kind of funny and asked him if he had charged the camera battery yet, he definitely started to look a little more nervous! He started to mentally time them, and they were a minute long, and about 5 minutes apart for about an hour. Well, this is exactly the information that my doctor had given me as to when to call him. But, something just told us that this was still not IT. So, I sit down to do what I always do in a medical crisis (other than call my sister). I consult Google. While I am doing this, Adam was mysteriously inspired to start charging the camera and find an empty duffle bag. I start whining that this can't be it, because I don't have any clean pajamas to bring (As I explained to Adam this morning when he asked why I was so concerned about this, it is never "just about the pajamas.")

Based on my "Google MD" I determine that these could be false labor. They are not radiating from the back, and they are now varying in length. Sometimes they were coming one right on top of each other. So, I do what any rational person should do when facing a life changing event squarely in the eyes. I went to bed. I figured that if I stayed awake, I might have a panic attack, and that it was a little too late to finish my study of Hypnobirthing (A book about convincing yourself through self-hypnosis that labor is not going to hurt. Hysterical, I know.) IF this really was labor, I would know soon enough. As someone recently described it, real labor is a one way street!

Somehow, I fell asleep and Adam came in shortly after. I do remember him asking me at one point during the night if I was still having contractions. I recall telling him that I did not know, but that I was sleeping and I didn't want to talk about it. So anyway, don't get excited. No baby yet.

But, lo and behold, we were both up very early this morning! So far today, the camera battery has been charged, all of the baby's clothing and bedding has been washed, all of our laundry is done (including all of my pajamas) and the linen closet has been emptied and now contains an entire wardrobe of very tiny cotton clothing!

This should be an interesting three weeks!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe this all happened after we left on Saturday. You seemed fine to us - not anxious at all. I guess you cover your fears very well. Also, it does seem slightly early to give birth but "you never know". Just try to take it easy for the next few weeks so you and Adam don't get panicky. Sounds like you have great neighbors. Speak to you soon.

Love, Marlene

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a few labor pains to get you moving. Reality is finaly setting in for both of you. I think you were both in denial about this baby coming. The baby will be here, even if you are not ready for her/him so a little push from the little one to get you moving.The baby is giving you a hint on who will be boss very soon.


Anonymous said...

HOW EXCITING!! I am so happy tHat you have decided to wash his/her clothes & get your bag packed NOW! Hey, you never know. Keep us informed. When is your next Dr.'s appt? Can't wait to hear how you have progressed.

Vanessa said...

Next appt is on Friday

Anonymous said...

When are we going to see another photo.


Anonymous said...

Yes- let's see a photo of you in your last few weeks! xo Lynn

Anonymous said...

LOVE the false labor stories as you know I can relate!! At least you didn't go to the hospital and have them call you the "lady who cried baby!"

Anonymous said...


I read Merry's response and tell her I was the other "lady who cried baby". Maybe she will read this herself. They sent me home saying it was false labor and I was to go home and come back when I was really ready to give birth. I think it was with the first one, Barry, since you don't really know what to expect the first time, especially when you are a nervous wreck like me. With Adam my water broke so they kept me and we waited and waited and waited till finally he was ready. Maybe Merry will read this herself and see that she was not the only one who went to the hospital early and "cried baby".


Anonymous said...

Too funny!! I loved your response! However, this time with Jude and having contractions since 19 weeks, we went to the hospital THREE times!! :) Thanks for making me feel as if I'm not the only one, though!