September seems to be a big conference month in the insurance industry. Two times out of the past four years Adam has had a business trip that has fallen on my birthday. The first time I received a guilt induced trip to the spa for the entire day with Janice. Very nice.
This year I was annoyed to hear I was going to be home alone again on my birthday. My 35th to boot! Since it fell on a Wednesday I knew it would make it even more difficult to get someone from the non-retired world to come hang with me.
As soon as Adam told me he would be away my wheels started spinning. Who is always looking for something to do? Who is just as available to hang on a Wednesday as they are on a Saturday? Someone who is also home with a baby, that's who!
I have been talking about having a Babies and Booze Bash for ages. I decided that this was the perfect occasion and started dialing and emailing the local moms (and dads) that stay home in the neighborhood. Everyone that I spoke to was up for some fun.
Henry and I hosted the event last night and we had 21 parents and 16 babies. All of the babies were within 2 months of Henry (older or younger) so they had a great time. The first mom arrived at 3:40pm and the last left at 8pm, so I think it was a successful event! And, the Fed Ex guy came in the afternoon with my gift certificate from Adam and Henry to the spa. Excellent.
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